Model Builder Sept. and Oct. 1971 Upload a Publication
  1. Model Builder November 1971

Model Builder

Model Builder Sept. and Oct. 1971

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Jodel D 150 Beanpatch Plan 9711 Fairchild 22 Plan 9712

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Model Builder Sept. and Oct. 1971

This is an American magazine modeling in Pdf file.


Publication Title:Model Builder
Issue Number:1
Publisher:Model Builder
Issue:October 1971
Publishing Date:01-10-1971
Scanned By:George Crete
Vectorized By:Hlsat
Keywords:Model Builder, MB, Magazine
Rating:0.00 (0Vote(s))
File size:3.1 MB
File Type:PDF
File Quality:Scan-ReadOnly
Added by:hlsat
File:Model Builder Sept. and Oct. 1971
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How To Cultivate Beanpatch
Pylon - 1971 Nationals
Soaring-1971 Nationals
Scale -1971 Nationals
Peanut Scale Jodel Mascaret
Pattern -1971 Nationals
Fairchild 22 - Scale RC or FF
WORKBENCH by Bill Northrops.

Many weeks ago when the though Is of publishing my own magazine first started to become serious I said to myself Youre nuts
Later when the thoughts persisted in spite of my efforts to dismiss them and I disclosed the idea to friends they said Youre nuts
Still later when the thoughts had been turned into physical actions and the advertising brochures and rate cards had been mailed the first person to call me was Jack Stafford manufacturer of several balsa kits particularly the very successful Minnow and Midget Mustang Formula I Pylon Racers. His first words after asking if he was talking to me were Youre nuts
As I started to scratch out this editorial my thoughts drifted back over the past 8 to 10 weeks reliving each of the major and minor crises that have come and gone the disappointments and encouragements the long drawn-out decisions and the snap judgements the hours of planning and replanning and of course remembering that one particular day I look the big carton full of advertising brochures down to the Post Office dumped them into the appropriate slots and suddenly realized that in that one moment I had passed the point of no returnGoing back over all of that
I could think of only one thing to say to myself. Sure you guessed it Youre nuts
Now that we understand each other and you know why we are doing this thing leis get on with it.
Starting the very first issue with an excuse and an apology or two wouldnt exactly be considered a red hot beginning but its your money so you rale an explanation.

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