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Model Airplane News

Model Airplane News May 1937

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Model Airplane News May 1937

This issue of the magazine is a new digital version from original scan in a Pdf file by me.


Publication Title:Model Airplane News
Issue Number:5
Publisher:Model Airplane News
Issue:May 1937
Publishing Date:01-05-1937
Scanned By:Zoe
Vectorized By:Hlsat
Keywords:Model Airplane News, MAN, Magazine
Rating:0.00 (0Vote(s))
File size:7.5 MB
File Type:PDF-Proccessed
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File:Model Airplane News May 1937
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Indoor Plane Facts
Vital Suggestions on Adjusting Indoor Planes That Will Help You to Improve Your Flying Technique and Win Contests
1 T T H E past ten years thousands upon thousands of indoor models have been built and flown. In 1927 the worlds record was two minutes fifty-seven seconds. Today it stands at twenty-five and a half. Designs have improved enormously but that isnt the whole story. The greatest improvement has taken place in the builders themselves they have gone a long distance on the road to getting the most out of a ship. For many years leaders have acknowledged the fact that knowing how to fly a ship is more important than knowing how to build it as far as getting the most duration is con cerned. As an example consider this you may copy a ship capable of ten minutes and follow the plans well except for making the parts rather heavy. Now it you know how to fly it well you can get about eight minutes and the ship will be consistent because it is strong. However supposing you built it just as light as the original but didnt know how to adjust it or wind it. Then you would have an awful time getting more than three or four minutes.
The reasons for this are simple. First so many details are vital to successful flight if any one of them is poorly taken care of the flight will be poor. Second since air planes are what they are (tem peramental creations of human
beings who make mistakes) each
one has to be coaxed coddled
nursed slapped broken patched
and otherwise brought up be
fore it will act respectably.
the wing. 2. Stabilizer set at zero angle of incidence if of the lifting type or set at a slight positive angle if it is non- cambered. The idea of a large positive stabilizer was pioneered by Mr. Grant edi tor of Model Airplane News for many years. It was explained by him to this writer as long ago as 1929.
The thrust line should not be offset in any direction. Take a look at the diagram representing this set-up. Ilcre are the rea sons for it. The propeller pulls straight ahead. The wing is set at the most efficient lifting angle. However since the drag of the wing is high above the thrust line (rep resented by the motor) it will tend to stall the ship. Consequently we put a little lift on the tail either by camber or a positive angle of incidence in order to overcome tliis stalling tendency.
Note also that the center of the root chord of the wing is directly above the balance point known as the center of gravity (C. G.). This is one of the impor tant keys to proper adjustment. In testing out a new ship of fairly conventional de sign first set the wing in the i>osition just describedcenter of root chord above cen ter of gravity. Now wind up the propeller
The author in the act of refueling at the Indianapolis 1935 contest
just enough to take out the slack of the motor and glide the ship. If it stalls or dives DONT MOVE THE WINGWarp the stabilizer instead. In case it dives warp the stabilizer trailing edge upward in case of a stall warp the stabilizer trailing edge downward. And another thing for you to rememberonly warp a little at a lime and test it out after each change watching carefully to note the effects.
Keep this up until the ship glides per fectly like the effortless flight of a gull. Dont rush things simply because you are in a hurry to wind it up. Work slowly
Why is it then that so little knowledge of flying and adjusting lias found its way into print Dozens of articles on how to build this or that particular ship have been published but the most im portant end the inside dope on how to FLY the ship was usually confined to a mere sentence or at most a paragraph. It is to help correct this general lack of printed information that this ar ticle is written. Study itand if some things are left out that you would like to know about or if an idea needs further explanation write in to the author or Model Airplane N ews and another article will be presented dealing with what you want.
In explaining how to handle an indoor model to get the most out of it. it is necessary first to im agine a perfect adjustment. This consists in general of the fol lowing 1. Wing set at a positive angle of incidence offset on the clips to the left (looking from the rear) and having a shade of washiti also on the left half of
C G.
Thrust )
0 for i
then this happens tn flight causing stall.
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and carefully until you get the glide just right and youll have less trouble afterwards. The ship should of course be making a large circle about forty feet in diameter to the left which is the accepted manner for indoor mod els. If the circle is too large check the offset of the rudder (which should be about 316 for tractors and fuselage mod els) check for too much washin on the left wing and check dur ing the glide to see that the stabi lizer is lined up with the wing. If the circle is too small check the same things as above except that the excess washin if any will be on the right wing instead of the left.
With the circle adjusted to your satisfaction the ship should be ready to fly. Wind the motor about 500 turns and launch gen tly into the air letting the pro peller revolve an instant before
you let go of the ship. The model will climb very gently or perhaps just maintain its altitude. Keep an eagle eye out for two things (1) the wing tips should be level (2) the stabilizer should remain level in flight. Neither the wing nor the stabilizer must bank in flight. Most builders have a lot of stalling trouble because they...

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