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Model Aircraft

Model Aircraft January 1960

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Anita Plan MA 320 Gaisgeach Plan MA 321 No Linked Plan

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Model Aircraft January 1960

This issue of the magazine is a new digital version from original scan in a Pdf file by me.


Publication Title:Model Aircraft
Issue Number:223
Publisher:Model Aircraft
Issue:January 1960
Publishing Date:01-01-1960
Scanned By:Zoe
Vectorized By:Hlsat
Keywords:Model Aircraft, MA, Magazine
Rating:0.00 (0Vote(s))
File size:15.6 MB
File Type:PDF-Proccessed
File Quality:Scan-Low
Added by:hlsat
File:Model Aircraft January 1960
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Here and There.
It is customary in this our first issue for 1960 to wish modellers a happy and successful New Year. We cannot guarantee the success part of our greeting but we do know that the results achieved by our delegate Hob Gosling more than ably assisted by Henry Nicholls as technical adviser at the recent F.A.I. meeting will make all contest fliers happy. Space will obviously not permit us to publish full details of the meeting but the following decisions were arrived at.
Control Line.
Whipping in Team Racing This is now banned except for one lap only when the model is coming in to land after the motor has stopped. The official definition of whipping is Whipping is NOT taking place when the axis between the pilots body the handle and the model maintain a straight line. In other words the handle must not lead the model. Handles A sufficient length of arm top and bottom to allow some form of adjustment of line length is now permitted but the arms must swivel about the axis of the handle. Aerobatics As some extra manoeuvres are now included in the schedule the total flight time including starting is now increased to 7 min. Great Britains proposal to adopt the A.M.A. Schedule intact was deferred to the next meeting. Mono Line A Stanzel Mono Line handle was submitted by the U.S.A. delegate and was approved for use in Speed events.. Team members The rule concerning the function of a team member as pilot mechanic etc. now reads A member of a team can start his own motor and also act as a mechanic for one other member of his team only. Timing Each timer in team racing should have a stop watch and lap counting tachometer.
Free Flight
World Championship Organisation The entire question of whether championships should be annual bi-annual or a 4-5 year spaced Olympic was discussed and a sub committee under the chairman- ship of H. J. Nicholls was appointed to investigate the views of all members.
Number of Flights All future championships will start early (one hour after sunrise) have five flights with 3 min. maximums and fly offs will be successive flights with a 3 min. maximum until only one competitor is left.

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