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Model Builder

Model Builder December 1971

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Model Builder December 1971

This is an American magazine modeling in Pdf file.


Publication Title:Model Builder
Issue Number:3
Publisher:Model Builder
Issue:December 1971
Publishing Date:01-12-1971
Scanned By:George Crete
Vectorized By:Hlsat
Keywords:Model Builder, MB, Magazine
Rating:0.00 (0Vote(s))
File size:3.6 MB
File Type:PDF
File Quality:Scan-ReadOnly
Added by:hlsat
File:Model Builder December 1971
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Fly Low...or Dont Go.
Curtiss-Wright Jr.
Twin Trainer.
Peanut Scale.
Cirrus 3-Views.
Volksplane 3-Views.

Photo gray viewer.
RC Soaring.
Kit Review.
WORKBENCH by Bill Northrops.


We read something in a club newsletter that was rather disturbing. The reference to our magazine did not matter so much as did the editors implications in connection with the comment. In describing the magazine he said Sketchy info indicates probable RC orientation which would most likely make the name a misnomer as we all know most RC people arent interested in the least in Building.
As we said the reference to our misrepresenting the magazine didnt bother us (the dirty black tigre) so much as did the uncomplimentary shot at one category of modelers. It is unfortunate that we have people among us who do not respect the interest of others. It is also unfortunate that some of these people have access to methods of public communication allowing them to spread that disrespect.
First lets set something straight for the record. The Builder of the Model rule was needed and in force long before RC became an every-day category of the hobby. The rule was primarily instigated to prevent the over-indulgent modeling father from giving his son a heavy advantage over the young competitor who was on his own. This occurred not only in free-flight but particularly in control-line where appearance is a factor in the results.
Our thought the one we hope to instill in our readers and the one which is the theme of The MODEL BUILDER is that were all modelers. We all use glue sandpaper razor blades pins straight edges we all have shavings on the floor paint in our trousers knicks on your fingers sore knuckles from an occasional backfire and we read articles about all types of models because were always looking for a better way to do our thing. And being stuck with an image that is always giving us trouble from john Q. Public who believes everything he reads in the newspapers we dont hardly need dissension from within the ranks.
The magazines title isnt a misnomer Mr. Newsletter Editor but... are you a modeler
From the Palm Beach Aeronauts Newsletter edited by Fred Komlosy You can make your own building-clamps cheaply and easily with some 316 inch threaded rod ( rom most large hardware stores) wing nuts washers and wood strips such as molding stock.

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