Model Builder March - April 1972 Upload a Publication
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Model Builder

Model Builder March - April 1972

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Model Builder March - April 1972

This is an American magazine modeling in Pdf file.


Publication Title:Model Builder
Issue Number:6
Publisher:Model Builder
Issue:April 1972
Publishing Date:01-04-1972
Scanned By:George Crete
Vectorized By:Hlsat
Keywords:Model Builder, MB, Magazine
Rating:0.00 (0Vote(s))
File size:7.3 MB
File Type:PDF-Proccessed
File Quality:Scan-Fair
Added by:hlsat
File:Model Builder March - April 1972
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Workbench by Bill Northrop.
Pylon by Chuck Smith.
Pylon 4 by Fred Reese.
RC Auto News by C.R. Elrick.
RC Soaring by Le Gray.
Modelers Classroom by Frank Zaic.
Free Flight by Mel Schmidt.
In The Lee by Ben Hogensen.
Control Line by Dick Mathis.
Scale FF by Fernando Ramos.
3 View Mister Mulligan by Hal Osborne.

Yankee Gull by Le Gray.
Cosmic Wing by Fred Reese.
Peanut Scale by Walt Mooney.
Siebel Si 201 by Jack Headley.
WORKBENCH by Bill Northrops.


First off subscribers rest easy. You will still get 12 or 24 magazines if you will notice the number sequence has not changed (volume 2 number 6) and this is the way your subscriptions are recorded.
Actually the reasoning behind the combined date for this issue is psychological. From the beginning we have tried to publish MB date for date. That is November in November December in December etc. However two circumstances have made this just about impossible to accomplish.
For one thing the rapid growth of MB just about has us climbing the walls. A nice problem you say. In a way yes hut on the other hand the increased paper work record keeping shipping problems etc. doesnt give us a chance to enjoy it.
Not only that we have now increased the page content for the second time so there is much more work involved in the monthly preparation of each issue. And of course as the word gets around more and more material becomes available for publication and new departments get started.
The second big problem in publishing on time is the U.S. Mail. Shipments of magazines to dealers on the east coast are taking as long as 2 I2 weeks for delivery. Actually the material in the magazine is not old hut it doesnt look good for a NEW February issue to appear on the dealers magazine rack during the first week in March
Heres where the psychology comes in. As we said the materials not old but because of that eight letter word
February on the cover it APPEARS old. The simplest solution CHANGE THE DATE Thus we have the transition issue . . . MarchApril.
I he next issue . . . volume 2 number 7 . . . dated May I972 will be shipped in the middle of April. OK
By the way have you noticed that your arms are getting tired a little sooner from holding MB up to read It COULD be the added weight of those four extra pieces of paper making up the eight new pages in this issue
Actually we had intended to lime the addition of these pages so it would coincide with an increase in the sale price of the magazine. (this is the sixth issue at the original introductory price of 50 cents). However the editorial build-up has made it necessary to give you the extra pages in advance ...


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