Model Builder May 1972 Upload a Publication
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Model Builder

Model Builder May 1972

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Seahorse II Plan 5721 D.H Humming Bird Plan 5722 Whetstone II Plan 5723

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Model Builder May 1972

This is an American magazine modeling in Pdf file.


Publication Title:Model Builder
Issue Number:7
Publisher:Model Builder
Issue:May 1972
Publishing Date:01-05-1972
Scanned By:George Crete
Vectorized By:Hlsat
Keywords:Model Builder, MB, Magazine
Rating:0.00 (0Vote(s))
File size:7.0 MB
File Type:PDF-Proccessed
File Quality:Scan-Fair
Added by:hlsat
File:Model Builder May 1972
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Workbench by Bill Northrop.
Pylon by Chuck Smith.
Pylon 4 by Fred Reese.
Control Line by Dick Mathis.
Free Flight by Mel Schmidt.
RC Soaring by Le Gray.
3 View by Hal Osborne.
In The Lee by Ben Hogensen.
Scale FF by Fernando Ramos.
RC Auto by Ted Maciag.

Seahorse II by George Wilson.
Humming Bird by Walt Mooney.
Peanut Fokker V-23 by Walt Mooney.
Whetstone by Steve Fauble.
WORKBENCH by Bill Northrops.

Modelers often want to know if its difficult to come up with a new subject every month on which to editorialize. Actually there seems to be a never- ending stream of subjects depending on the flexibility of the writer. However there can always be a dry period.
Take this month for instance. Outside of the fact that the Navy has just dropped sponsorship of the AMA Nationals after 24 years and a large toy company is about to turn loose an electric powered RC airplane complete with radio equipment that transmits at greater than the license free 100 milliwatts theres really nothing to talk about . . . except possibly the reader in Clayton Ohio who is teed off because his hobby dealer got The MODEL BUILDER before his subscription arrived. In fact hes so disturbed (upset that is) he has expressed the hope that we go under Same to you fella Who can explain how the Post Office works anyhow
As for the Nats ... at this moment (April 4) it is still a gamble as to whether therell be one this year. One thing sure it wont be hosted by the Navy if it does happen. The Chief of Information Rear Admiral W. Thompson made this clear in his letter to AMA on March 27.
It is this writers opinion having been close enough to the inner workings of the Nats operation in the past few years to understand some of the tremendous expense and responsibility taken on by the Navy . . . more each year as the Nats has grown . . . that we should not take our disappointment out on the aquatic services of our countrys defense. As is usual when we stop the war for a commercial (Police Action doesnt count) the military budgets get chopped drastically.
To many a Nationals contestant Navy sponsorship consists of opening the main gate to a Naval Air Station and then having a bunch of swabbies stand around with stop-watches while some free fighter tries to make them believe the turkey buzzard theyre watching is really his 12A pride and joy in a thermal. But . . . just for starters ... try to imagine what it costs to move a whole air station load of pilots mechanics airplanes etc. to another air station for one week so a training program will not get too fouled up. Imagine how much it costs to turn over the B.O.Q. (Bachelor Officers Quarters) to a couple of hundred Nats officials judges AMA officials workers etc . . . and to nurse a couple of DC-6 transports from station to station in various parts of the country to gel all of those people to the Nats so the events will come off.
Even the last-minute nature of the drop-out can be excused. The past couple of years have been cliff-hangers as to Navy support. Both in 1970 and 1971 the final decision was well into the spring before becoming firm . . . A gamble each time . . . This year the same situation and again where do you establish the point of no return
Oh well enough of that. The question is now can we muster the troops Get them all to one spot in the country at one time Deliver all the tabulating machinery the paperwork the myriad of forms the clip boards stop watches the chairs tables PA systems field phones monitors etc etc. All the hidden background material that nobody notices until its missing.
By the time this issue reaches its readers well probably have the answer. In the meantime . . . stay loose.
Remember the story about the electric car that made all the headlines when it crossed the country on only a few dollars worth of electricity Its fame was quickly forgotten when somebody figured out that it cost over 600000 for the extension cord
As we said that story (ahem) was quickly forgotten but the one about an electric RC airplane wont fade too soon. The Mattel toy company has been developing their unit for some time and all the rumors about it were pretty well confirmed at the Hobby Industry Trade Show this February in Chicago.
The Signal Command airplane looks like a very common-sense type high wing cabin model of 40 inch span weighing about 20 ounces at take-off with pulse rudder control. Power is a geared electric motor driven by 8 nickel-cadmium batteries which provide about 3 minutes of flying time.

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