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Model Airplane News

Model Airplane News July 1980

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Model Airplane News July 1980

This issue of the magazine is a new digital version from original scan in a Pdf file by me.


Publication Title:Model Airplane News
Issue Number:1
Publisher:Model Airplane News
Issue:July 1980
Publishing Date:01-07-1980
Scanned By:Hlsat
Restored By:Hlsat
Keywords:Model Airplane News, MAN, Magazine
Rating:0.00 (0Vote(s))
File size:25.5 MB
File Type:PDF-Bitmap
File Quality:Scan-High
Added by:hlsat
File:Model Airplane News July 1980
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Toledo Preview Highlights of the big show by Art Schroeder
Utopia Field and Bench Review by Earl Haury.
Create Your Own Trophies Inexpensive awards by Bill Hannan.
Perfectly Flat Board A must for straight wings by Roy Anderson.
Airplane Caddy For RC and CL models by Richard Stewart.
The Big Oval How to run a car race by Roberta Moody.
Country Boy Field and Bench Review by Al Lidberg.

Bridi GLA RC trainer for .40 engine by Al Tuttle.
Bf110 Night Fighter CL scale for two 15s by Walt Musciano.
Hyperwind Peanut scale rubber FF by Nick DeCarlis.

Got a Minute by Don Typond.
For Engine Lovers Questions from readers by George Aldrich.
Flight Line News Magic Muffler tests by Pappy deBolt.
Scale News True surfaces. Covering by Steve Sauger.
Radio Control News PIK-20 Swiss scale Byron Pitts by Art Schroeder.
Engine Review Fox Twin OS 90RSR OPS 3 5-CAR TT 15 by Peter Chinn.
Hints & Kinks Good ideas from readers by Jim Newman.
Soaring News Beginners perch FAI matters by Jim Gray.
Product News Some of the latest goodies.
Foreign News New from Germany quad-40 Irvine 20 by Peter Chinn.
Control Line News MonoKote striping mail bag by Harry Higley.
Free Flight News Props C.O. gossamer peanut Dave VTO Linstrum.
Powerboat News How to drive by John Oian.
Yachting News Toolbox Fresno One Design by Bob Harris.
Got a Minute by Don Typond.

By the time you read this our Reader Survey will have been kicking around for a couple of months. But as I write these words its been less than a month since the May issue hit the stands and I havent gotten a definite handle on the results yet.
A few comments are in order however. First off I must apologize to those who looked high and low for a survey card and couldnt find one. F act of the matter is the poor underpaid soul who operates the stapler down at the printing plant missed a few issues here and there and the cards got left out. We could have avoided that problem by printing the questionnaire on one of the pages of the magazine but we figured a lot of you wouldnt want to tear the page out put it in an envelope address the envelope and put a stamp on it. We expect a greater response with the post-paid card and we were willing to accept the risk of missing cards due to bindery errors. One thing has been very gratifying... many of you took the time to write in to ask for a card or to give us your opinions in letter form. I thank you for your interest in our magazine
And now before the lynch party gets too much closer I must extend hasty apologies to all the combat fliers who noticed their favorite event was missing from the control line preference section. Believe me guys it was not intentional Some of the comments accompanying the write-in votes were pointed one guy wrote What No combat and another said How could you Im sorry ... honest.
While on the subject of write-ins let me express my profound gratitude to the enlightened gentleman who brightened what would otherwise have been a rotten day by adding Got a Minute to the monthly-column list and making it his number-one preference. I am forever in your debt sir.
Why was Got a Minute left off the list in the first place you ask. Simple. Regardless of your vote I intend to continue to inflict this monthly meandering on you. Also I didnt want to know just where on your list of preferences you would put it. My pride is a fragile thing and must be treated with great care.
As I said earlier the results of the survey are as yet inconclusive. Certain trends have emerged however and they arent really very startling.
Of the major categories of reader preference RC Aircraft leads with just less than 68 percent of the vote. The most popular subdivision is Sport followed by Scale Sailplanes Pattern Monster Scale Old Timer Helicopter and Pylon. Sport accounts for almost half of the RC activity and Scale for almost a quarter of it. Obviously these are the most popular areas of RC flying amongst our readers.
Next in popularity is Free Flight which has pulled in 11.5 percent of the vote so far. The spread between subdivisions is not nearly as wide as in RC with Power Scale Old Timer and Sport in almost a dead heat for first place and Rubber Indoor Towline FAI and HLG following in that order.
Control Line is close behind Free Flight with 10.8 percent. Stunt is the preferred activity followed closely by Sport and Scale. After them its Combat Racing Carrier and Speed.
RC Boats has so far pulled in 9 percent of the vote with Sail and Hydro sharing top billing followed closely by Deep Vee Outboard Scale Sport and Mono.
The relatively new sport of RC Cars came in with a respectable 2 percent of the vote. The overwhelming choice seems to be 112 Scale Electric followed by 18 Scale Gas and Dune Buggies.
What does it all mean I really wont know until all returns are in. I also have yet to analyze the preference in monthly columns and other information youve provided. One of the things Ive found amusing though is the reluctanceaccompanied in some cases by downright hostilityof some respondents to divulge their annual incomes... even though the response is totally anonymous Ah well some things are best left to God and the IRS.

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